One Man's Experience

One 40-year-old male's experience with big-toe arthritis, hallux rigidus, and bilateral cheilectomy surgery (debridement of first metatarsophalangeal joint).

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Days 5 & 6: Out of Bed

A little better each day.  Now sitting at a desk for most of the day; don't feel the need to have my feet perpetually elevated.  Still slow shuffling around, but no longer feeling exhausted after minimal exertion.  Will visit the orthopedic surgeon on Day 10; I'm guessing/hoping that is when the stitches come out and I can start driving again.


  1. I need the same procedure- also in both feet. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your recovery.

  2. Good luck to you, Denise. Feel free to send me a line if you have any questions going forward. -Michael

    1. I decided to do one foot at a time. Had the right one done last Tuesday, Oct. 8tth, and I have been posting my recovery updates to the "other" cheilectomy blog ( I now see the point of doing both feet at one time. To have go go through all this recovery AGAIN is feeling awful to me at the moment! Though honestly, I don't know how I would have managed without at least one good foot to bear my weight.

  3. Day 5 & 6
    Aug 24 & 25 No pain this weekend. I've been walking around with no assistance. Have spent much of the weekend with my feet either down or only up level with my hips, but they haven't been throbbing at all from having blood flow through them.
    I walked around our local supermarket - just leaning slightly on the cart. Still trying to be conscious of not pushing myself too much and so have rested after each exertion.
    I am curious that the outside of my feet (the left more than the right) is numb from my little toe to halfway up my foot. Just the outside edge of the foot, not the top side at all, and only partway round the bottom. I'm not really sure why.
    My big toes are both bruised above the stitches (took off the wrappings today including the foam cushioning - the stitches are covered with surgical tape). The side of the right toe joint is still a bit inflamed. Other than that progress is being made.
